When you’re at the helm of your own business, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the present – chasing sales, generating leads, and growing your business. Often, self-employed people prefer reinvesting back into their businesses, hesitant to stash money away in superannuation. Yet, there’s a compelling case for setting aside a slice of your earnings
The facts don’t lie!
At present, self-employed Australians are not required to contribute to superannuation. According to the Australian Tax Office’s (ATO) data, while self-employed people make up about 10% of the workforce, their super contributions account for just 5% of the retirement pie in 2014-15. Dive deeper into the numbers, and fewer than 1 in 10 self-employed Australians opted to make tax-deductible super contributions that same year.
The ATO has clear guidelines on what a self-employed person is:
For more information see the ATO website.
While it’s tempting to pour every hard-earned dollar back into your business, the reality is that not all businesses come with a pot of gold at the end. Some self-employed people and businesses rely solely on their own labour, with no substantial business assets to lean on. That’s where superannuation can come in, providing a great way to plan for your retirement.
A nest egg for retirement!
By contributing to super, you are building a nest egg that will provide you with financial security and income in retirement. Putting a small amount of money into superannuation regularly can provide financial stability over time, allowing you to focus on growing your business knowing that you have another income stream building in the background.
Here’s a big one: self-employed people may be entitled to a full tax deduction for contributions made to super.
If you’re self-employed, you can make personal contributions up to the annual cap, which is $27,500 per year for the 2023-24 financial year. These contributions are taxed concessionally at 15 per cent, rather than marginal tax rates. So not only are the contributions taxed at a lower rate, self-employed people can also claim a tax deduction on those contributions.
To claim a deduction for personal contributions it’s important to note that:
Superannuation remains one of the most tax-effective ways to grow wealth. Over time, your contributions can benefit from compounding growth, as your investments earn returns on both your initial contributions and any earnings generated. Starting early and contributing consistently, even with small amounts, can significantly boost your retirement savings.
Many self-employed people see their business as their retirement strategy. But by putting money away into the tax-effective superannuation environment, with investment strategies that can be tweaked over time, you can diversify your investment, reduce risk, AND plan for retirement.
Just because you’re self-employed doesn’t mean super has to be complicated!
With various tax benefits, flexibility of contribution size and frequency, and having another source of income for your retirement, if you’re self-employed why wouldn’t you be contributing to super?! If you’d like to get started, talk to your adviser today.
https://treasury.gov.au/ ‘ASFA Pre-Budget Submission for the 2022-23 Budget’, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Limited (ASFA), February 2022.
https://www.superannuation.asn.au/ ‘Superannuation balances of the self-employed’, March 2018, Version 01, The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Limited (ASFA).
https://www.ato.gov.au ‘Work out if you have to pay super’, Australian Taxation Office, accessed 13 September 2023.
https://www.ato.gov.au/ ‘Personal super contributions’, Australian Taxation Office, accessed 13 September 2023.
ABS, Characteristics of Employment, Australia, August 2021, Tables 7.3 and 9.1. Accessed from ‘Data downloads’ at: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/labour/earnings-and-working-conditions/characteristics-employment-australia/latest-release